

1. Couch
5. Be ____ to = can
9. Baby bed with high sides
12. Freeze
13. バケツ
14. 風采
15. 口の
16. With considerable certainty; without much doubt
18. Everything you own
20. 《諺》"The worse luck ___, the better another time"
21. 例えば、タマちゃん
23. Was not
27. 先端
30. こんな人たち
32. Yes
33. I
34. 39.37 インチ
36. ⇔Truth
37. 茎
39. 《諺》"The will is as good as the ____"
40. 《諺》"Pleasant hours ___ fast"
41. Relating to or derived from the sun
43. 《成句》"in ____" → wearing old torn clothes
45. 独楽
47. 耳の上部と目尻との間の、物を噛めば動くところ
51. Despite the fact that
55. Fe
56. Green, black, pink がある
57. ⇔False
58. ⇔Borrow
59. "Which came first, the chicken or the ___?"
60. 《諺》"The gods ____ nuts to those who have no teeth"
61. 《諺》"____ are more eloquent
than lips"
1.《諺》"Only the wearer knows where the ____ pinches"
2. 船をこぐ道具【複数形で】
3. ⇔Sharp
4. Collection of maps in book form
5. Came along
6. 10
7. 《諺》"Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a ____"
8. "Below" のアナグラム anagram の一
9. Taxi
10. 《諺》"Pouring ___ on the fire is not the way to quench it"
11. Attempt
17. 《諺》"An apple a day keeps the doctor ____"
19. 組
22. ⇔Earlier
24. Ego
25. 出過ぎると打たれるもの
26. Plural of he, she, it
27. Cast out
28. 《聖書》"If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall ____ the ditch"
29. 剥く
31. Drew air into, and expelled out of, the lungs
35. 縁
38. 幾何学、代数、解析学など
42. Alex Haley といえば?
44. 微笑む
46. 純粋な
48. 餌食
49. 独りの
50. 《諺》"All's well that ____ well"
51. 《接尾辞》Collegi___, affection___, anim___, separ___
52. 脚
53. 下げ札
54. 火器